InStat Sports

Sports Questions, Answered Instantly. Try it Now!


Ask a question:

How it Works


1. Type a question in the "Ask a Question" text box at the top of the page or click "Ask a Question" in the menu.

2. Enter your question, and any necessary details.

3. Submit your question (hit "enter" or "go" on your mobile keyboard).

4. Receive an answer. Pretty quickly ;-)


1. Browse for questions using any of the following menus: "Q&A", "Questions", or, "Unanswered."

2. Click on a question.

3. Type your answer in the text box, and click submit (or enter if you are on a mobile device).


1. Get points for asking and answering.

2. When InStat Sports releases our first version, prizes will be introduced and all points will be redeemable for prizes.
